Monday, May 5, 2014

Likes and Dislikes

       This week for our last assignment, We are to blog about what we liked and disliked about this class. For me, it has been a long time sense I have taken any class, and things change a lot in twenty years. Much less, your ability to learn in a class room environment will diminish if not used. Therefore, I was not sure what to expect. But I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this class. It has been very difficult to find what I disliked, so I will give it my best.
       I dislike blogging, not the writing itself. It is the idea of putting my personal feelings out on the web, where anyone can see them. I did not like the idea of putting personal pictures on this blog. I am a very private person, and through my many years of dealing with people. I have grown very distrustful of people, especially ones I do not know. This may sound crazy to you but, I have learned, that the less people know about you, the less they have to hurt you with.
       I also did not like the rush we had on our first three papers, and the snows days did not help. As I said I was very out of practice with school work. I know, that this was no ones fault but my own but, you wanted to know what I disliked. The first paper I did, I thought I was going to pull my hair out. It was so hard to get my brain to work in a writing manner.
       So, on to the things I liked about the class. I really like Ms. Hanson, she is very nice and personable. She has a great attitude and is very patient with her students. She does not get verbally  anger or condescending . She is direct and to the point without being rude about it. I feel that she was a great teacher for me and I think I learned a lot from her.
       I liked the easy and fun flow the class mates began to share. The rang in age in the class was very wide and there were many different personalities and beliefs. But everyone seemed to be very understanding and everyone was respectful. Although I hate public speaking I enjoyed hearing and learning from other peoples thoughts and experiences. I also enjoyed hearing other people styles of writing. Some were plain and funny,and there were some that were very profound and expressive. That just blew me away, I liked that a lot.
       This class was a great experience for me. I feel like I am taking away from this class, more than I ever expected. I do not want to sound dumb but, this class was life changing for me. This was my first attempt to advance my education, and I have come away with such a feeling of self worth that it does not matter what grade I make, I will always know I did my best. So, as for what grade I think I deserve, I have put my heart into all my work, and feel like an ace no matter what grade I get. Thank you so much Ms. Hanson, you have changed my life. Good teachers are a blessing!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

True Love

Whenst love betrayed,
the heart will break,
and never further be sustained.
For whenst it came,
the lover's embrace,
shall forever be ingrained.
Love lost

Sunday, March 16, 2014

My thoughts on the novel

     We are assigned to read and write about each chapter in the novel by Sarah Morris. My thoughts on the first chapter are; it is different than what I expected. I have always heard stories of Anne Boleyn. I also watched the TV series of the Tudors  for a while, and enjoyed it very much. This is a different take on the story, where you see through the eyes of Anne. I think this is very interesting and gives new insight on the person she was and what drew her to make the decisions she made. I very much enjoyed the description of sights and sounds. This made me see and feel all these beautiful  things that I have never seen myself. Although, through her writing I could see every detail. The only thing I was not sure of is, if plain Anne is in Anne Boleyn's body where is Anne B.
       Chapter one I began to get to know the characters. Anne meeting her sister for the first time was very interesting. Her not knowing who this person was and having to guess at who she might be. Though as I read I could tell, just as well as Anne, that this woman knew her and cared for her very much. Also seeing herself for the first time as Anne B. this was definitely a different story than I have read before. Getting to know the characters was fun, and as Mary recalled the letter it become whimsical, like a fairy tail.
      Chapter two brought life to the feelings between the two mane characters. Henry and Anne's meeting in the rose garden was a very intimate time for them and opens up a very personal side of the characters. I have always thought of King Henry VIII as a very cruel and evil man for all the killing that he imposed on his loved ones. Though the writing in this chapter portrays a very soft side of him. It seems that he really loved Anne B. This makes me almost like him, just as plain Anne is fighting the same feelings in the story. I do not want to like him but it is hard.
       I just got finished reading chapter three and I must say it is beginning to get steamy. As I read it is hard to think of Henry as a bad person. He seems so loving and kind to Anne, it makes you feel the love that is growing in Anne for him. This makes it very hard to image this is the same person who ordered her beheading. I am also seeing a boldness and resistance to fear in Anne. She speaks and acts without restraint or shame in front of the king, this most would not do. This is a quality that I wish I could obtain, to feel free and confident in yourself no matter who you are around. It was also nice to read of her mother, I have never seen or read anything about her before. For her to have such feelings about Anne's relationship with the king is very touching, mothers intuition I guess. I am enjoying this story very much and look forward to continuing the book.
        In completing chapter four I can not help but think. If I were sent back in time would I change anything. As Anne goes through the motions of Anne B's past it is very hard not to want her to change it. If she could; change her fait and save her life. Though, would this be possible? Would Anne B. let her change anything. It seems, when she is not sure what to do or what to say Anne B. steps in. I just wonder if she had picked a different jewel , or did not wright the letter. Would it change anything. They say changing the slightest thing in the past can make everyone's future change, but; would you still do it?
       In chapter five Anne B., again, runs into Thomas Wyatt on her trip to Allington Castle. This was not a chance meeting, for this is his home, and I think Anne was curious about the relationship between them. Although there has been a lot of speculation about this relationship I feel, from this reading, it is an innocent relationship. I think that she had a crush on him until about the time he realized she was a real girl. By that time she had lost interest in him. It is kind of sad in a way, but it happens to a lot of people as they mature. I feel this just leaves a close  relationship that is a little more than just friends, maybe a kind of adoration.
       Chapter six we finally get to meet Anne B.'s younger brother. It seem that they have a very close relationship and are used to showing their affection. It bothers me a lot that Anne is afraid to show her affection, for fear of what others will say. I know is can not be helped because she knows what people will say, but people are so cruel. I think it is about the worst thing to say about someone, that their affections for a family member are perverse. I feel bad for both Annes at this point.
       I absolutely love the end of chapter seven, one good turn deserves another. I think Anne had every right to snap at her uncle for asking that question. The question was very inappropriate and quite, none of his business. Furthermore it showed a great lack of any type of belief in her virtue. I also liked the beginning of this chapter as well, the ride through London. The thought of seeing the place you grew up, five hundred years before you where there, wow. Although where I grew up was probably nothing but woods Five hundred years ago. I love to travel and reading of someone else's travel is very enjoyable also. Though Anne seeing the place that she will eventually meet her fait is unnerving to think of.
       For Anne, having to meet the Queen in chapter eight has to bee incredibly horrible. She knows the woman hates her and the Queen has the power to make Anne's life miserable. From the sounds of it in private, she did exactly that. Thought in the evenings she got to be with the King, but to me the trade off would not be worth it. But I guess I am not young and in love with a king.
       In chapter nine, we meet the Duke of Suffolk, Charles Brandon. He is a very old friend of the King's. We also get in on a plot to take down the Lord Cardinal. This, Anne seems to be doing for a bit of revenge as well as being obedient to her father. As this deal is being made , it makes me wonder if she could be making a deal with the devil. If they are plotting and scheming who else could be. After all,she does lose her head in the end. I myself can not believe how well Anne stays in character when meeting all these people. I do not think I could do it. Also, when Anne sees the rotting heads at the Gatehouse, I think I would be ready to come apart at that point.
       Now in chapter ten, we finally get to the man we have heard so much about, the King's first minister, Lord Cardinal Wolsey. I know quite a bit about him from the show I watched and have my own opinions of him. Though as with Anne, I was surprised with his appearance. He does not at all look like what I was expecting. Though, this does not change the things he has done, or will do in this book. I very much love though, the uncontrollable will of Anne B. that Anne can few times control. She is very out spoken and unafraid to speak her mind at times. This is such an modern trait for someone in the sixteenth century. She was either destined for greatness or death, and in her sad case, she got both very quickly.
       In chapter eleven, I can see that Anne and Henry's relationship it getting very intense and very hard to keep under control for them all. Rumors are flying, people are getting very inquisitive about things between the two. I think that if they are put in too many more situations alone, they may not wait until their wedding night. As I read this book, I want to like Anne. This may be because she is the main character or just because the author love her so. But all this sneaking around and promises of love, when you have a person that you have vowed to love and cherish forever. This is something I can not condone. Although they have not consummated their affections, it is an affair of the heart and is wrong. Now, I will not stand on my "soap box" and preach but, I do believe in karma!
       Chapter twelve, this chapter is rather short but has said a lot to me, and made me think. The book that Anne's mother has given her, has gotten me very curious. Who is Master Tyndale and what did he have to say. Where did he get his ideas and direction. For a man to write something like this is, in this day and age, can be dangerous. Also in this chapter, the context and use of the phrase "Le Temps Viendra", give me new insights on what the title really means to the story.
       Chapter thirteen, we find Anne alone with her mother. Thought Anne sees no point in fussing over Christmas décor or food, her mother is insistent. This is a lesson most mothers would teach there daughters in those days as part of being a good homemaker. It was nice to see yet another friend for Anne in here treacherous journey to the throne. Though, the story of the Kings jealous rage shows signs of his inability to trust and how quick he is to judge. Also in his letter he show his insecurity in the strength of his bond with Anne. To me this shows he is very fickle in his decisions and expects the same of others.
        I love chapter fourteen, it has said so much to me. For me personally, I always try to find some "good thing", that I can pull out of a tragedy. Not to make me feel better but, I guess to make the event have a meaning or purpose. Reading this story of Anne Boleyn I have felt like she should run away from the situation. She knows her outcome so just get out. Then when she gets that second publication, by William Tyndale, it all makes sense to her, and myself as well. She is a leader in the fight for reformation, she has a huge part to play in the success of the movement. This changes everything in my eyes and gives her death less sting.
       Chapter fifteen, as Anne and Henry are reunited you can not help but feel the love they have for one another. I also can not believe the lengths Henry will go to, to make Anne happy. I know money is no object for a King but the ladies the quarters. I know he had said she would have her own house when she came back, but I did not expect this. Then the meeting of Anne and Katherine, and you know, there would be not doubt Anne would end up using that sharp tongue. Love it!
       Chapter sixteen, Anne is beginning to learn to play the game of politics. It seems, with her charm and brains that she will be good at this. It is just sad that she could not save her own life with her talents in persuasion. I really feel Anne could have made an even bigger and very positive impact on the world.
       Chapter seventeen we see that plain Anne is getting very lost in the character of Anne B. I can not believe it has been a year myself. Though I feel, that it is very dangerous for plain Anne to let herself get so wrapped up in Anne B's emotions. She knows the outcome of the affair and that Henry will turn on her. She needs to keep that at the front of her mind at all times. Regardless it seem that plain Anne is having as much fun with this affair as Anne B. But I guess how could you not, being so admired and made over by a king.
       This chapter is short but very important. Anne yet again has to come face to face with her real place at court. Also the wheels have been set in motion for her to fulfill her destiny and she sees it coming. That would be such a strange feeling, to know that your innocent and well meaning actions  cause such a snow ball latter .
       Wow! What a way to end the chapter. I knew it would be very hard for them to control themselves if they continued to end up in these types of positions. As for the stolen book, well that did not take long. Though, Anne knew exactly what to do about it. It seem that she knows all the right things to say to the King to make him see her way, now that's power. But I am afraid for Anne's friends, will the king pardon them as well for having the book?
       Chapter twenty, poor Anne can not help but get caught up in all the drama that is Anne B.'s life. the hopeful wishes that things could be any different than they are destined to be. It is very sad to think of being in that position. Though she could change everything if she really wanted, I think. As I reading I can not help but wonder. Since plane Anne has such knowledge of the future and has such strong feelings about the out come. Can Anne B's since the strong emotions, the feelings of dread and doom given off by plane Anne?
       I can not believe that he left her and took his wife. For me that is a definite deal breaker. It would not matter to me about the power the money or even my family,(they will get over it) at that point. I would be just fine being a nobles wife. That way also, I may live to be an old woman. Men! Just because you are the King you think you can do anything. I never knew of this betrayal, this should really give Anne a different perspective on her relationship with the King. To see for herself where his loyalties lie.
       When Anne finds out her brother is sick, she tries to console her mother and reassure her that he will be fine. Though how can she say that, with all the doubts in her mind as to whether things will change from what she knows of the future. I really can not imagine being there and not changing anything. I feel, if I were to go back in time there would be a reason, and an obligation to change the things that I feel are wrong. Then as far as that delivery boy, I knew as soon as she said sweat on his head that she would get the sweating sickness.
       Wow, how quickly things change. So, now Anne is back in her modern day life and she is not very happy about it. I guess I can see where she is coming from, because she got so wrapped up in everything going on in Anne B's life. I think some times it would be nice to take on someone else's role in there life. Though we all have our own troubles, so the grass may not be greener on the other side. I feel really bad for Anne though. That her modern life is so empty, that she would rather go back to a life that, she knows, has a very tragic and violent end.
       Part three, Chapter two. Such a very sad story, of Anne's very strong love for Daniel. It is very sad because her very soul is tied up in a man that can never be, the man she needs him to be. That may sound crass, be I have been witness to affaires of this nature. The fact that he has a very strong bond with his child and does not want to hurt her is very appealing to the sensitivities of a woman. Yet it is a futile thought, for you to think he will ever be ready to disappoint her for you. If he did it would change her feeling toward him, and his toward himself. This in turn will change his feelings toward you. Very sad indeed.
       Part three, chapter three. I can not believe she told him all that! I would be afraid to tell anyone. Especially, the part about how she was in love with King Henry VIII. Though, I really feel that you can be in love with two people at the same time. I have also wondered a lot about reincarnation, though to keep finding the same soul. That sounds too good to be true, but could it be?
       Chapter four, I just knew she would return to the past when she visited Hever. That's ok, on with the story. It had to have been a great sense of closure for her to visit. To see that things were not as she remembered them from the past. This would seem to put todays reality in perspective, and let her move on. Though the author keeps saying, she goes back to the past. But for now she can continue with her modern life.
       Well that was the end and another beginning all in one, I expected no less. Though, I can not believe Daniel is still pulling at her heart strings. She needs to cut him loose for good. A person does not deserve to be treated like that, even if they volunteer for it! I am glad she is going back to the past. With that being said.  This was a very good book. Very informative and detailed, but not to the point that you ever got lost. I knew a few things of Anne Boleyn, but this book has brought me closer to her as a person. Now I feel as if I know her, and can understand some of the reasons for her actions. I love stories of, the medieval times, the renaissance era, kings and queens in all their glory. Though, most are lined with fiction, there is so much that can be learned and appreciated. Thank you, for helping me learn! 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Blogging time again

            I am here again to tell everyone what I have learned from reading chapter 9 in St. Martins. This  is the chapter on cause and effect writing. It was very helpful with explaining how to structure a sentence, with the repeat phrases like; we can go, we are not afraid, we can ride. Future form of verbs, will nibble, will increase, very helpful. I also thought the analogy by Steven King  was interesting, I am a big fan of his books, but if you thought his books were strange, wow! Another thing that helped me was the sentence strategies; when blank happens blank is the result, and so on. The thing I am having the most trouble with is my activist. I can not find anything on her except she is an author of some books that I cannot find anywhere either. I have done the best I can do with the information I could find and hope that I can get some good advice at peer review. See you guys tomorrow.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


         I wanted to write to express my concerns about my first essay. We had our first peer review last night so I got to read other classmates work. There papers were very different than mine and it has me concerned if I did the assignment correct. I read the chapters in the book first, and they talked about writing a remembered story. A story with facts and quoits but, with thoughts and feelings also. A story with reflection and personal situations. That is what I wrote and felt pretty good about it. Then I went to D2L and found links the  instructor had posted and it talked of thesis statements. With that information I had to go back and reevaluate my story and make sure it had all that it needed. I made changes rewrote some things and felt pretty good about that. Then came peer review, my reviews were not that bad but I am very unsure of my paper. I guess it is about too late to worry about it, I will just turn it in and learn from my mistakes. Now I have to start on my next paper rough draft due Wednesday, wish me luck on all counts, blog you latter.  ; )

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Blogging again?

                       Yes it is me again here to bore you to tears. I am blogging to talk about what I have read in my text books and how it helped me. There seems to be lots of rules and guideline when it comes to plagiarism. I read them all but I'm not sure how much I retained, so I am sure I will be referring back to that chapter quite often. The other chapter I read I enjoyed a lot, talking about the voice of your writing. I enjoy reading and I always like a story that speaks to me. I am very nervous about writing my paper I do not remember ever doing anything like this before. I hope I meat the guidelines she wants, wish me luck.
                     Well I have read all there was to read, and written all I can think to write. The chapters in the book we were assigned to read help a lot, giving me direction on how to go about writing my story. How to give descript and help the reader see things as I see them. The one thing I am not sure of is the idea of a remembered story about a monument. I am not sure if it has a climax or may be I am missing the point. Oh well, I guess that is for class room discussion.
                    I am also supposed to write about my thoughts on tattoos. Yes I have one, or four. Do I like them? Everything in moderation I think," too much of a good thing, is never a good thing" I always say. I feel that tattoos are a way for many people to express themselves. Do I feel they are an act of rebellion? They can be if that is what you are feeling when you are getting them. I think what ever feelings and thoughts you put into the creation of your design is what you want portrayed to others. Some are memorials to those we love, others are "up your world , how do you like me now". Although I feel if you put no thought or feeling into it, it is not worth putting on your body.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

hello fellow bloggers

I have to say this is my first blog so I don't know what I'm doing but, I'm gona do it anyway. I was assigned to read pages out of my English text book and blog about what I thought. I actually enjoyed the read, I felt it was informative and interesting. It has been a long time since I have brushed up on my letter writing form and I learned a few thing that I did not know or may have forgotten. I think I may enjoy this class. : )